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    Bunge office high compartment with type 80, type 83, type 88, type 100and type 108models, a flexible design for glass: single or double glass or double glass louvers style. One type 108reflect today 's trendy design concept, has simple and generous, fluid lines, stylish, durable characteristics. Double glass remote Venetian high compartment, laminated glass shutter curtain can be remote control operation, is the most trendy fashion design.

    Bunge toilet partition with nylon, stainless steel,304 stainless steel, zinc alloy, pure metal and other five series. To avoid customers any menace , we selected the following sheet: [A],12mm thick phenolic resin laminate, commonly known as the anti-fold special or waterproof board, impact resistance, moisture resistance, acid and alkali resistance, is the current best toilet partition material. [B],18mm thick melamine veneer board, using wood fiber with special moisture-proof dehydration to suppress, finishes for melamine resin, with strong moistureproof function.


    廣州本格建材實(shí)業(yè)有限公司 備案號: 粵ICP備13044839號
    廣州隔斷 | 折疊屏風(fēng) | 宴會(huì )廳隔斷 | 多功能廳隔斷 | 餐廳隔斷 | 辦公隔斷 | 展覽館隔斷 | 酒店隔斷
    地 址:廣州市荔灣區龍溪大道490號 電 話(huà):(+86)20-81718567  13580350349
    傳 真:(+86)20-81717767 吳經(jīng)理 E-mail: gzbunge@163.com; gzbunge@hotmail.com; 技術(shù)支持:來(lái)往科技



    赤城县| 石棉县| 海林市| 抚顺市| 宜君县| 资阳市| 宾川县| 平邑县| 丽江市| 洪湖市| 泽库县| 冕宁县| 黄龙县| 泸水县| 郓城县| 德令哈市| 东兰县| 宝应县| 全州县| 遵义市| 汉沽区| 北辰区| 黄山市| 贵港市| 开鲁县| 平度市| 万源市| 鹤峰县| 蒙山县| 密山市| 巩留县| 基隆市| 鄄城县| 桃园市| 崇礼县| 浦东新区| 昆明市| 淮阳县| 安宁市| 巧家县| 阳原县|